mardi 27 août 2024

The Threefold Heart Advice of Jigme Lingpa

The Threefold Heart Advice of Jigme Lingpa, translation from the Tibetan and commentary by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, Khyung-mkhar, 2024, 50 pages, PDF edition.

Among the immense corpus of texts and instructions left by Jigme Lingpa (1730–1798), his Heart Advice in Three Stanzas sums up the essence of the Path of the Great Perfection. In particular, the author addresses the notion of Non-Meditation, which has often been misunderstood, both in Tibet and more recently in the West. This volume also clarifies some of the representations that are at the heart of the Great Perfection.

Table of Contents

Introduction 4
1. Biography of Jigme Lingpa 7
2. The text of the Threefold Heart Advice 13

The Threefold Heart Advice of Jigme Lingpa 15

The meaning of the Threefold Heart Advice
composed by Jigme Lingpa Khyentse Özer 16

Thematic Commentary on the Threefold
Heart Advice 18

1. Abiding in the state of Non-Meditation 19
2. The Natural State of Primordial Purity 25
3. The manner of practicing 28

Appendix—Prayer to Jigme Lingpa 34

Glossary 38
Bibliography 47

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