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The practice of dark retreat is among the most secret of all Dzogchen teachings. It is centered around key points making up the core of the visionary yoga of Thögel performed in a dark cell. The present volume contains instructions for dark retreat according to the Chiti Yoga tradition discovered by the 16th century Treasure-Revealer Paro Tertön (Tsering Dorje), as well as complementary teachings based on the Nyingthik system of the Great Perfection.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 11
Introduction 13
1. The Chiti Yoga of Dzogchen 13
2. Paro Tertön Tsering Dorje 15
3. The Teachings of the Great Perfection 16
4. Remarks about the use of vocabulary 19
2. Paro Tertön Tsering Dorje 15
3. The Teachings of the Great Perfection 16
4. Remarks about the use of vocabulary 19
Guidance for Dark Retreats Containing the Instructions on the Practice of Pressing the Ocean 23
1. Preliminaries 26
2. Pressing the Ocean 28
3. Entering the Radiance of the Ocean 29
4. The Fruit of the Practice 30
1. Preliminaries 26
2. Pressing the Ocean 28
3. Entering the Radiance of the Ocean 29
4. The Fruit of the Practice 30
Longchenpa’s Instructions on Dark Retreats as explained in the Precious Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle 33
1. The preliminaries 33
2. The main practice 34
2-1. Pressing the Ocean 34
2-2. Entering the Radiance of the Ocean 35
2-3. The Arising Mode of the Visions 36
1. The preliminaries 33
2. The main practice 34
2-1. Pressing the Ocean 34
2-2. Entering the Radiance of the Ocean 35
2-3. The Arising Mode of the Visions 36
Dark Retreats and the Practice of the Lamps 39
1. Preparations 39
2. Starting the Retreat 41
3. Pressing the Ocean 43
4. Entering the Radiance of the Ocean 44
1. Preparations 39
2. Starting the Retreat 41
3. Pressing the Ocean 43
4. Entering the Radiance of the Ocean 44
The Secret Horizon of Day and Night 47
1. Pressing the Channel of Light 47
1-1. The preparation 47
1-2. The actual pressure on the Channel of Light 48
1-1. The preparation 47
1-2. The actual pressure on the Channel of Light 48
2. The Arising Mode of the Visions 49
3. The Actual Manner of Practicing 50
4. Methods for Progressing 51
4-1. Progressing with the Visions of the Day 51
4-1-1. Daytime Yoga 51
4-1-2. Methods of correction 52
4-1-3. Special ointments 54
4-2. Progressing with the Visions of the Night 58
4-2-1. General advice 58
4-2-2. Outer obstacles 59
4-2-3. Inner obstacles 61
4-2-4. Secret obstacles 62
4-3. Progressing through mixing the Visions of the Day with those of the Night 64
3. The Actual Manner of Practicing 50
4. Methods for Progressing 51
4-1. Progressing with the Visions of the Day 51
4-1-1. Daytime Yoga 51
4-1-2. Methods of correction 52
4-1-3. Special ointments 54
4-2. Progressing with the Visions of the Night 58
4-2-1. General advice 58
4-2-2. Outer obstacles 59
4-2-3. Inner obstacles 61
4-2-4. Secret obstacles 62
4-3. Progressing through mixing the Visions of the Day with those of the Night 64
Appendix — The Structure of the Chiti Yoga treasure revealed by Paro Tertön 67
Glossary 69
Bibliography 77