4e de couverture :
The practice of Guru-Yoga is one of the essential meditations performed on the spiritual Path of Bön, indifferently in Sūtras, Tantras and in Dzogchen teachings. In the context of the practice of the Zhangzhung Nyengyü, Guru-Yoga is performed with the central figure known as Shenlha Ökar (Shen-God White Light), the root of all Yidams and Lord of Compassion. Through the connection to his Body, Speech and Mind, blessings are bestowed to the practitionner who can connect to the entire lineage of masters and progress along the Path.
Contents :
1. Verses to recite
2. The literal meaning of the verses
3. Basic explanation of the practice
4. Detailed explanation of the practice according to Yongdzin Rinpoche's oral teachings
5. The Dedication Prayer
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