mercredi 1 août 2012

The Instructions on the Primordial A

The Instructions on the Primordial A, by Jean-Luc Achard, Vajra Publications, 2012. ISBN : 9-789937-506755. 87 pages.

This volume is mostly based on the French translations and abridgements that have been prepared for publication by the Khyung-Lung Editions. The present work is the second edition of the original book published by the Naldjor Institute. It has been augmented with a section of biographies containing, in abridged form, the life-stories of four of the most important lineage holders of Atri (A khrid): 1. Dampa Ritröpa Chenpo, the founder of the lineage; 2. Yorpo Mepel, the 5th lineage holder, who was probably the first to use the expression Atri to characterize these teachings; 3. KündroÅNl Drakpa, the 26th lineage holder, who elaborated a fascinating set of complementary instructions associated with the original instructions of Atri; and 4. Shardza Rinpoche, one of the most important recent masters of Bön who reached Rainbow Body in 1934.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements — 8

Introduction — 9

Biographical sketches of Four Lineages Holders of the Atri Instructions
1. Dampa Ritröpa Chenpo — 13
2. Drogön Yorpo Mepel — 17
3. Kündrol Drakpa — 18
4. Shardza Tashi Gyeltsen — 20


Abridged Instructions for the Practice of the Fifteen Sessions of Atri

1. The Preliminaries
Session no. 1 — The Entrance into the Practice of the Path: the Reflexion on impermanence — 25
Session no. 2 — Bodhicitta, Refuge, and Confession — 26
Session no. 3 — Mandala offering — 28
Session no. 4 — The Prayer to the Master and the transmission of Blessings — 30

2. The Main practice
Session no. 5 — The practice with characteristics and the control of mind— 31
Session no. 6 — The Practice without characteristics — 33
Session no. 7 — Union of Calm Abiding and Superior Insight — 34
Session no. 8 — The direct introduction to the principle of the Natural State — 35
Session no. 9 — Methods to get rid of mental stains — 38
Session no. 10 — The Arising of Immaculate Wisdom during the practice of the Path — 40

3. Instructions on the Obtainment of the Ultimate Fruit
Session no. 11 — Crushing karmic traces during the night — 42
Session no. 12 — Dynamic training on manifestations during 
the day — 44

Session no. 13 — Integrating concepts into the Path, during 
morning and evening sessions — 46

Session no. 14 — The continuous introduction to Awareness — 47
Session no. 15 — Instructions on Transparent Wisdom — 50


The Practice of Guru-yoga according to the A khrid 
Instructions of Shardza Rinpoche

Introduction — 51

The Profound Path of Guru-yoga — 53
1. The supplication to the Lama — 53

2. The Offering in seven branches — 55
2-1. The Prostrations — 56
2-1-1. Prostrations of the body — 56
2-1-2. Prostrations of speech — 56
2-1-3. Prostrations of the mind — 56

2-2. The Confession of sins — 57
2-3. The Offerings — 57
2-4. The Rejoicing — 58
2-5. The Supplication asking that the Lama not to depart 
for Nirvana — 59

2-6. The Request to turn the Wheel of Bön — 59
2-7. Dedication — 60

3. The Request for Blessings — 61
3-1. The Empowerment of the Body — 63
3-2. The Empowerment of Speech — 63
3-3. The Empowerment of the Mind — 63
3-4. The Special Empowerment of Wisdom — 64

The practice of Guru-yoga during the four activities — 65
Guru-yoga as universal vision — 65
The importance of Guru-yoga — 66

Conclusion — 67

Yorpo Mepel’s Instructions on 
the practice without Characteristics

Translation of the root text — 70

Commentary — 72
1. The author’s homage — 72

2. Instructions without characteristics — 72
2-1. Preliminaries — 72
2-2. The main practice — 73
2-2-1. The key point of the body — 73
2-2-2. The key point of the gaze — 75
2-2-3. The key point of the vow — 76

3. Conclusion — 77
4. Colophon — 79


Phowa Teachings of Dru Gyelwa Yungdrung

1. Gradual Phowa — 80
1-1. The key point of the body and the channels — 80
1-2. The key point of the visualization — 80
1-3. The actual way to perform the practice — 81

2. Instantaneous Phowa — 82
3. Practicing Phowa for others — 82
4. Signs of success — 85


Bibliography — 87

You can order the book by writing directly to the author's email address or check the following link for details :

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